Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Frankenstein computer?

I own two old computers surrounded by my room that alone do nothing. One have only a 200 MHz processor and 256 MB of RAM. The other have an 800 MHz processor but only have 156 MB of RAM. I want to take the RAM out of the computer next to the crap processor and replace the RAM in the computer beside the better processor with it. Also I want to install Ubuntu on a USB portable harddrive because the internal harddrives on both are highly loud. I am going to be using it for skype conversations in a podcast so I want as little environment noise as posible. Is adjectives this posible. I know i can use Ubuntu on a USB drive but I don't know if it is posible to compleatly replace the RAM, all I've ever done is put a strange stick of it in.

Frankenstein computer?

It depends on what RAM both PCs use. Normally you won't know how to stick the wrong RAM into a slot, as all RAM sticks own a notch that have to fit on the slot.

So give it a try. As long as you don't push it next to excessive force, you cannot damage anything.

The answers post by the user, for information one and only, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.

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